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florence nightingale is most famous for being the founder of morden nursing.she was born in 1820 in florence, italy.she grew up in england whith her parents and older sister . in 1844 she studies nursing in germany and later went to london to work in a hospital,in 1854 florence went to milliraty hospital in scutari, turkey with 38 orther women.they cleaned the hospital and improved conditions for the wounded soldiers .the death rate dropped from sixty percent to two percent within six month . in 1855 quen victoria give florence am award and a piece of jewelry florence wrote notes on nursing in 1859 and in 1860nshe opened st thomas hospital whrer she started the nightingale trainning school gor nurses, in 1908 she was given the meirt of honor by king edward vii she died two yeaar later in london . florence nightingale will be remembered for being the founder of mordern nursing