talk about causes and effect of water pollution and ways to reduce it
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Causes of water pollution
1) Water pollution may be caused by the intentional or unintentional disposal of hazardous chemicals and materials into a body of water.
2) Rainfall may cause polluted landscapes to disperse their poisonous materials into the water and poison the surrounding water.
3) Water pollution may also be caused by specific points or contributing factors such as large factories, oil refineries, construction sites, chemical waste management facilities, dump sites and other large scale operations that store/produce large amounts of chemical/hazardous waste.
Effects of water pollution
1) Toxic rainfall can occur in areas where water and/or air is polluted with toxic chemicals and materials.
2) Polluted water can lead to sickness, disease, infections, deformities and even death among animals and plant life.
3) Once water becomes polluted it can affect people and animals either directly through consumption or indirectly through food sources, land degradation and the overabundance of plants and algae which can cover the surface of various bodies of water making it undrinkable and affecting the animals that live in that body of water.
The most critical step to prevent water pollution is to adopt appropriate waste management policies. Setting up of wastewater treatment plants can resolve this issue and hence we can protect our natural water resources from contamination and embrace an eco-friendly life.
If you would like to limit the amount of pollution you produce and thus help keep the oceans, rivers and lakes clean there are a number of things you can do.
- Replace your air fresheners with eco-friendly candles, incense and/or potpourri
- Purchase environmentally friendly cleaning products that do not harm the land if they happen to be flushed or emptied into a drain
- Reduce the amount of power you use and purchase energy saving light bulbs and appliances. This helps reduce the amount of emissions being released by utility companies and your own home products.
- Conserve your water usage and don’t leave water running when you are not using it
- Reduce, recycle & reuse materials that you have purchased. Plastics and papers may be sent to the recycling bin while some of your glass materials may be able to be reused or re-purposed
- Make sure non recyclable waste is contained properly so that it does not spill into the land, street drain sewage drain
- Purchase local food that has been grown from healthy agricultural farms that don’t use polluting fertilizers and pesticides
- Purchase eco-friendly lawn fertilizers and pesticides for your own lawn in order to prevent your lawn from becoming toxic and prevent possible hazardass chemicals from entering street drains
- Recycle old clothing by giving it away to shelters and non for profit re sellers. Not only does it lower the amount of garbage you produce it also allows you go give to a cause and help the community
- Use a reusable grocery bag rather than the plastic bags offered at grocery stores when shopping for food to minimize your plastic waste
- Eliminate unnecessary mail and have your bills sent to you by email. This helps protect the trees and reduce the amount of paper you have to dispose of later

Hello everyone, today I'd like to tell you some information about types and sources of energy. Energy is classified into two main groups: renewable and non-renewable.The energy generated from natural sources such as the sun, wind, rain, and tides is called renewable energy. They are plentiful and can be generated again and again. They also have low carbon emissions so they are considered green and environment-friendly. Moreover, using renewable energy can reduce your electricity bills. Unfortunately, solar energy can be only used during the daytime but not during night or the rainy season. Geothermal energy also can bring toxic chemicals beneath the earth's surface to the top and can create environmental changes.
Non-renewable energy is the energy taken from other sources that are available on earth.They are limited and will run out in the future. They can't be re-generated in a short time.Fossil fuels - natural gas, oil and coal - are examples of them. They are cheap and easy to use. However, when burnt, they release toxic gases in the air so they cause serious environmental changes such as global warming. And the important thing is that non-renewable sources will expire someday. 2.
1. Use public mode of transportation
Encourage people to use more and more public modes of transportation to reduce pollution. Also, try to make use of carpooling. If you and your colleagues come from the same locality and have same timings you can explore this option to save energy and money.
2. Conserve energy
Switch off fans and lights when you are going out. A large number of fossil fuels are burnt to produce electricity. You can save the environment from degradation by reducing the number of fossil fuels to be burned.
3. Understand the concept of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Do not throw away items that are of no use to you. In-fact reuse them for some other purpose. For e.g. you can use old jars to store cereals or pulses.
4. Emphasis on clean energy resources
Clean energy technologies like solar, wind and geothermal are on high these days. Governments of various countries have been providing grants to consumers who are interested in installing solar panels for their home. This will go a long way to curb air pollution.
5. Use energy efficient devices
CFL lights consume less electricity as against their counterparts. They live longer, consume less electricity, lower electricity bills and also help you to reduce pollution by consuming less energy.
Several attempts are being made worldwide on a personal, industrial and governmental levels to curb the intensity at which air pollution is rising and regain a balance as far as the proportions of the foundation gases are concerned. This is a direct attempt at slacking Global warming. We are seeing a series of innovations and experiments aimed at alternate and unconventional options to reduce pollutants. Air pollution is one of the larger mirrors of man’s follies, and a challenge we need to overcome to see a tomorrow.
• – Check for local flood warnings if your area is at risk: look online or call Floodline.
• – Tune in to the local radio or television news for updates. Alert your neighbours, particularly elderly or vulnerable people.
• – Prepare an emergency kit, including emergency numbers, insurance policy, first aid kit, torch and water.
• – Use our home emergency contacts sheet so you have the numbers you need to hand, even if you lose power.
• – Have a list of irreplaceable items to keep safe and put important personal documents into a sealed bag.
• – Pack essential items you will need if evacuated – medication, clothing, toiletries and items for children.
• – Purchase unfilled sandbags and sand from builders’ merchants. Remember that, if there is a flood, demand may exceed supply – as people will rush to buy them.
• – Empty freezers and refrigerators, leaving doors open.
• – If you can, move any vehicles to higher levels.
• – If you have time, take photographs before you leave. This may help later with insurance claims.
• – Turn off the mains power and water, and take mobile phones and chargers with you. Put sandbags in toilet bowls to prevent sewage back-flow.
• – Shut windows, lock doors – and don’t forget to take your pets.

Topic 1: Write about types of pollution.
P/s : Chi 1 cai o nhiem thoi ...
Nowadays there are a lot of types of pollution such as : air pollution, water pollution, visual pollution .... and noise pollution. Noise pollution is constant and loud sound. To measure the loudness, or volumn of sounds , people use a unit called a decibel. When a sound is louder than 70 decibels, it can cause noise pollution. Do you know that the noise from a vacuum cleaner or motorcycle can result in permanent hearing loss after eight hours ? The sounds of a concert are even more serious. Noise pollution can also lead to headaches and high blood pressure. If you are listening to music throughout headphones, and other people can hear it, it means the music is too loud and unsafe.
=> Bai nay co tao rut tu trg bai skills , co them y, cai nay thieu giai phap, tu xu.
Topic 2 : Talk about natural diasters and ways to prepare for them.
Today, there are more and more natural disasters that most people affect. In my opinion, we can't prevent natural disaster but we can have some preparation for them. There are many types of natural disasters but typhoon is a popular in our country. Firstly, typhoon is a tropical storm with wind and heavy rain. When it strike, it can weak havoc across large areas and effect lot of life or extensive damage to property . Flood can be happened by long heavy rain and people also can be became homeless. Last year lots of people were seriously injure in a typhoon. Natural disasters are also very dangerous but we also have some simple preparation . The first step is learnt about the risk in your area and read the information about natural disasters on gorvernment site. Next, find out that the rescue and emergency workers advice. It 's also important that you put together emergency supply it and should include food, water, medicine, document, and some money. Finally , plan safe places to meet your family and get to know the evacuation routes and shelter. In short, everyone sholuld protect environment to reduce this natural disasters.
3) Talk about ways of communication now and in the future.
Communication is a neccesary for eberyone. In present , there are three basic forms of communication: verbal, non-verbal and multimedia.
First, verbal ( meeting F2F) is a important way of communication help you success. I like hanging out with my friends and my friends and when I meet F2F with them I feel very confident. It explains why I can speak English easily. Let ' s try! You will have a great time. Secondly, you have a different thing to say non- verbal ( using signs ) will be a good choice. For example, you make your mother sad , you can use a sign to say ' sorry ' to her. Thirdly, with develop of science and technology , many multimedia appear such as video chatting , emailing,... You can know more information despite you still stay at home. But in the future, we can use telepathy or holography. Telepathy uses a tiny device place into our head. We will be communicating just by thought over the network. Holography will help us in our work. Even though, I prefer to chat with my friends. Life is more meaningful that way !
Khủng bố , :(((

Fresh water is the most important source of life on the earth. Any living thing may survive without food for days however it is impossible to imagine life without water and oxygen. The ever increasing human population enhances the demand of more water for purposes like drinking, washing, performing industrial processes, irrigating crops, arranging swimming pools and other water-sports centres. Water pollution is done by the people of all over the world because of increasing demands and competitions of luxuries life. Waste products from many human activities are spoiling the whole water and decreasing the amount of oxygen available in the water. Such pollutants are altering the physical, chemical, thermal, and biological characteristics of the water and adversely affecting the lives inside as well as outside the water.
When we drink the polluted water, harmful chemicals and other pollutants goes inside our body and deteriorates all the body organs functioning and puts our lives in danger. Such harmful chemicals also disturb the lives of animals and plants greatly. When plants absorb dirty water through their roots, they stop growing and die. Thousands of seabirds are killing because of the oil spilling from ships and industries. High level of water pollution is done due to the chemicals coming out of the agricultural usage of fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides. The effect of water pollution varies from place to place upon the type and amount of water contamination. The degradation of drinking water needs an urgent basis prevention method which is possible by the proper understanding and support from the end of each and every person living on the earth.