Eat/ healthy/ diet /and do exercise/ regularly /help you/ stay/ healthy
We/ need/ calories/ or/ energy /do /things everyday
We /should/ balance /calories /we/ get/ from /food/ with /calories /we /physical /activity
Eat /healthy/ balanced/ diet /be/ important /part /maintain/ good /healthy
Eat/ less /sweet/ food /and leaf /more/ fruit/ vegetables
Drink /lots /water/ be/ good /our/ health
Eat/ healthy/ diet /and do exercise/ regularly /help you/ stay/ healthy
=>Eat healthy diet and do exercise regularly help you stay healthy
We/ need/ calories/ or/ energy /do /things everyday
=>We need calories or energy to do things everyday
We /should/ balance /calories /we/ get/ from /food/ with /calories /we /physical /activity
Eat /healthy/ balanced/ diet /be/ important /part /maintain/ good /healthy
=>Eating healthy and balanced diet is an important part in maintaining a good heathy
Eat/ less /sweet/ food /and leaf /more/ fruit/ vegetables
=>Eat less sweet food and eat more fruits and vegetables.
Drink /lots /water/ be/ good /our/ health
=>Drink lots of water is good for our health
Eat heathily on the diet and do exercise regularly help you stay your health.
We need calories or energy to do things everyday.
We should balance calories we get from food with calories we use for physical activity.
Eat healthily and balanced diet are important parts maintain good health.
Eat less sweet food and eat more fruits and vegetables.
Drink lots of water is good for our health.