
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

5 tháng 2 2018

làm ny anh nhé baby

5 tháng 2 2018

Thế còn bạn

5 tháng 2 2018


Tìm những câu có từ Play , VD : Play football , ...


  • play chess (đánh cờ)
  • play cards (đánh bài)
  • play mahjong (đánh mạt chượt)
  • play darts (ném phi tiêu)
  • play dominoes (chơi đô-mi-nô)
  • play monopoly (đánh cờ tỷ phú)
  • play -tac-toe (đánh cờ ca-rô)
  • play yo-yo (chơi yo-yo)
  • PLAY basketball (bóng rổ)
  • PLAY soccer/ football (bóng đá)
  • PLAY handball (bóng ném)
  • PLAY golf (golf/ gôn)
  • PLAY cricket (Crích-kê/ bóng gậy)
  • PLAY baseball (bóng chày)
  • PLAY volleyball (bóng chuyền)
  • PLAY tennis (quần vợt/ tennis)
  • PLAY table tennis/ ping-pong (bóng bàn)
  • PLAY badminton (cầu lông)
  • PLAY hockey (khúc côn cầu)
  • PLAY squash (bóng quần/ squash/ tennis chơi trong nhà)
  • PLAY rugby (bóng bầu dục)
  • PLAY petanque (bi sắt)
  • PLAY billiards (môn bi-da)
  • PLAY bowling (bowling/ môn bóng gỗ)
  • PLAY croquet (Crôkê/bóng cửa)
5 tháng 2 2018

play badminton ; play baseball ; play hide - and - seek ...

5 tháng 2 2018

To celehrate the HCM Communist Youth Union's Foundation Day, our school Sports Club recently played a friendly match with Nguyen Khuyen School’s Football Team. The match was held on March 24th at 3:00 pm on the Hoa Lu stadium.

   It was a nice day. In the first half, our tearn played pretty well. They tried to keep the ball away from the goal and as near to our rival’s as possible. By a combination of passing and dribbling, the oppcnenis gave a shot into our goal. Fortunately, our goalie could catch the ball. All the stands seemed to be exploded with merry and exciting shouts. And all the schoolboys and girls jumped up and down cheering. In the second half, both teams played beautifully and skilfully and tried to score the goal, but no-one succeeded. Finally it was a draw.

   When the game was over, all of us were happy to have a fair game. I think all the schools in the area should hold such a friendly game to tie up and promote the friendship and solidarity together. It's the best football match I have seen.


5 tháng 2 2018

Do morning exercises

Do the housework

Do the dishes

Do experiment 

v v và m m 

5 tháng 2 2018

Do morning exercises

Do the housework

Do the dishes

Do experiment 

5 tháng 2 2018

- Do housework, Do morning exercises, do judo, do, do the ironing, do the dishes,...

- Go shopping, go swimming, go camping, go fishing, go hunting, go skiing, go hiking,...

- Play badminton, play football, play basketball, play computer games,...

22 tháng 2 2018

1 + 2: on / x

3. on 

4. at

5. near / at


1) flat

2) floor

3) block

4) stereos

5) ground

6) garages

9 tháng 7 2018

Question1: Fill in each blank with ONE suitalbe preposition

1+2: The restaurant is..on.... the other side of the street and across .... the floist

3: The library is..on.. Bay Street

4: My house is...at 25A Oxford street

5+6: Lan is my classmate . She sits..near...me...at..the same desk

4 tháng 2 2018
1be (am,is,are)was, werebeenthì, là, ở
2becomebecamebecometrở nên
3beginbeganbegunbắt đầu
5breakbrokebrokenbể, làm vỡ
7buildbuiltbuiltxây dựng
8burstburstburstnổ, nổ tung
10cancould có thể
11catchcaughtcaughtchụp, bắt
12choosechosechosenlựa chọn
14costcostcosttrị giá
19drivedrovedrivenlái xe
21fallfellfallenrơi, té, ngã
22feedfedfedcho ăn, nuôi
23feelfeltfeltcảm thấy
24fightfoughtfoughtchiến đấu
25findfoundfoundtìm thấy
28forgiveforgaveforgiventha thứ
29freezefrozefrozenđông lại, ướp
30getgotgottencó được, trở nên
31givegavegivencho, biếu, tặng
33growgrewgrownmọc, lớn lên
36hearheardheardnghe, nghe thấy
37hidehidhiddenche dấu, ẩn nấp
38hithithitđánh, đụng, va
39holdheldheldcầm, tổ chức
40hurthurthurtlàm đau, đau
41keepkeptkeptgiữ, giữ gìn
43laylaidlaidđặt, đẻ (trứng)
44leadledleddẫn dắt, lãnh đạo
45leanleantleantnghiêng, dựa vào
47leaveleftleftrời đi, để lại
48lendlentlentcho mượn
49letletletđể cho
51lightlightedlitthắp sáng
52loselostlostđánh mất, lạc
53makemademadelàm, chế tạo
54maymight được phép, có lẽ
56musthad to phải
57paypaidpaidtrả tiền
58putputputđặt, để
60rideroderiddencưỡi, đi (xe)
61ringrangrungrung, reo
62riseroserisendâng lên
65Seesawseennhìn thấy, thấy
68Setsetsetđặt, để
69shakeshookshakenrung, lắc
70shallshould sẽ, nên
71shineshoneshonechiếu sáng
72shootshotshotbắn, sút (bóng)
73showshowedshownchỉ, cho xem
74Shutshutshutđóng lại
76Sinksanksunkchìm xuống
81spendspentspenttiêu, xài, trải qua
82splitsplitsplitchẻ, nứt
83spreadspreadspreadtrải ra, lan đi
85stealstolestolenđánh cắp
86strikestrokestrickenđánh, đình công
89taketooktakencầm lấy
91teartoretornxé rách
92telltoldtoldkể lại, nói
93thinkthoughtthoughtnghĩ, suy nghĩ
94throwthrewthrownném, quăng
96wakewokewakenthức dậy
97wearworewornmặc, mang, đội
98willwould sẽ
99winwonwonthắng cuộc
4 tháng 2 2018
 Động từ nguyên mẫuQuá khứ đơnQuá khứ phân từNghĩa của động từ
1abideabode/abidedabode / abidedlưu trú, lưu lại
2arisearosearisenphát sinh
3awakeawokeawokenđánh thức, thức
4bewas/werebeenthì, là, bị. ở
5bearborebornemang, chịu dựng
6becomebecamebecometrở nên
7befallbefellbefallenxảy đến
8beginbeganbegunbắt đầu
9beholdbeheldbeheldngắm nhìn
10bendbentbentbẻ cong
11besetbesetbesetbao quanh
12bespeakbespokebespokenchứng tỏ
13bidbidbidtrả giá
14bindboundboundbuộc, trói
15bleedbledbledchảy máu
17breakbrokebrokenđập vỡ
18breedbredbrednuôi, dạy dỗ
19bringbroughtbroughtmang đến
20broadcastbroadcastbroadcastphát thanh
21buildbuiltbuiltxây dựng
22burnburnt/burnedburnt/burnedđốt, cháy
24castcastcastném, tung
25catchcaughtcaughtbắt, chụp
26chidechid/ chidedchid/ chidden/ chidedmắng chửi
27choosechosechosenchọn, lựa
28cleaveclove/ cleft/ cleavedcloven/ cleft/ cleavedchẻ, tách hai
29cleaveclavecleaveddính chặt
30comecamecomeđến, đi đến
31costcostcostcó giá là
32crowcrew/crewedcrowedgáy (gà)
33cutcutcutcắt, chặt
34dealdealtdealtgiao thiệp
36divedove/ diveddivedlặn; lao xuống
37drewdrewdrawnvẽ; kéo
38dreamdreamt/ dreameddreamt/ dreamedmơ thấy
40drivedrovedrivenlái xe
41dwelldweltdwelttrú ngụ, ở
43fallfellfallenngã; rơi
44feedfedfedcho ăn; ăn; nuôi;
45feelfeltfeltcảm thấy
46fightfoughtfoughtchiến đấu
47findfoundfoundtìm thấy; thấy
48fleefledfledchạy trốn
49flingflungflungtung; quang
52forbidforbade/ forbadforbiddencấm đoán; cấm
53forecastforecast/ forecastedforecast/ forecastedtiên đoán
54foreseeforesawforseenthấy trước
55foretellforetoldforetoldđoán trước
57forgiveforgaveforgiventha thứ
58forsakeforsookforsakenruồng bỏ
59freezefrozefrozen(làm) đông lại
60getgotgot/ gottencó được
61gildgilt/ gildedgilt/ gildedmạ vàng
62girdgirt/ girdedgirt/ girdedđeo vào
65grindgroundgroundnghiền; xay
66growgrewgrownmọc; trồng
67hanghunghungmóc lên; treo lên
69heavehove/ heavedhove/ heavedtrục lên
70hidehidhiddengiấu; trốn; nấp
72hurthurthurtlàm đau
73inlayinlaidinlaidcẩn; khảm
74inputinputinputđưa vào (máy điện toán)
75insetinsetinsetdát; ghép
77kneelknelt/ kneeledknelt/ kneeledquỳ
78knitknit/ knittedknit/ knittedđan
79knowknewknownbiết; quen biết
80laylaidlaidđặt; để
81leadledleddẫn dắt; lãnh đạo
82leapleaptleaptnhảy; nhảy qua
83learnlearnt/ learnedlearnt/ learnedhọc; được biết
84leaveleftleftra đi; để lại
85lendlentlentcho mượn (vay)
86letletletcho phép; để cho
88lightlit/ lightedlit/ lightedthắp sáng
89loselostlostlàm mất; mất
90makemademadechế tạo; sản xuất
91meanmeantmeantcó nghĩa là
92meetmetmetgặp mặt
93mislaymislaidmislaidđể lạc mất
94misreadmisreadmisreadđọc sai
95misspellmisspeltmisspeltviết sai chính tả
96mistakemistookmistakenphạm lỗi, lầm lẫn
97misunderstandmisunderstoodmisunderstoodhiểu lầm
98mowmowedmown/ mowedcắt cỏ
99outbidoutbidoutbidtrả hơn giá
100outdooutdidoutdonelàm giỏi hơn
5 tháng 2 2018

my answer is


chuc bn hoc tot

4 tháng 2 2018

I don't know.I think France

4 tháng 2 2018

bài 1) 1) There is a bookstore on the left of house.

2) There is a tall building.

3) Tom goes to work by car every morning.

5)There are twenty packets of tea in this box.

6) How much are two books?

7)Nhung is Phong's sister.

8)He goes to work at a quarter past seven.

9)Are there over eight hundred students in your school?

10)That is Mr.trung's motorbike.

4 tháng 2 2018

bai 2)1)This weather is not good for going camping holiday.

2)Nam's mother needs some vegetables and a half kilo of tomatoes.

3)What do you want to buy, Mum?

4)Ha'sister is listening to music in her room at the moment.

5)Miss Thuy is washing her hair because she is going to go to a party tonight.

6)He doesn't have much time to write to his friends.

7)There is a small park in front of Linh's house.

11 tháng 2 2018

         Everyone had a good journey and also it was the last journey. Today, I will tell you my last journey.

       Last year, my family and I went to Phan Thiet by car. It was the perfect place. The weather was nice warm. We stayed here for three days. The hotel was big and beautiful. On the first day, we swam in the sea. Next, my parents sunbathe. On the second day, we visited Mui Ne. It wasn't dangerous.It was safe. Next, my parents bought souvenirs for our relatives and friends.On the last day, we visited Duc Thanh school where Uncle Ho taught us in past days. After that, we came back home. And that was my last journey.