Read the article again and answer the questions.
- At what age do Finnish students go to school?
- How long are they at school every day?
- Do students have any homework?
- Do subject words appear on all school timetables?
- How do some experts think our brains work?
- In Finland, do students
a complete a project at the same time as they learn school subjects, or b study school subjects and then complete a project? - What subjects do students learn when they do the project on Pompeii? Giúp mik với
Five days a week on a normal week. On a week containing some public holiday, the number of working days may be smaller.
During the Christmas, the schools usually have a forthnight’s Christmas break from the day before Christmas Eve (December 23rd) until Epiphany (January 6th).These dates may vary from year to year so that the shool work ends on the working day preceding Dec. 23rd and commences again on the working day following Jan. 6th.
Afte Epipåhany there are no poublic holidays until Easter. Between those holidays, the is a week’s Spring break, usually called The Skiing Holidays, in February and March. The place of the Spring break varies so that the schools in southernmost Finland take the break on week 8, the schools in western and central Finland take the week 9 and the schools in eastern adn nothern Finland have the week 10.
There is no Easter break in the Finnish schools in the same way there may be in some oher countries. The Good Friday is a public holiday which shortens he working week in schools. So does the following Monday which is the Second Easter Day.
After Easter, the Ascension Day is a public holiday as is the May Day. Summer break in schools starts at he beginning of June and ends around August 7th, lasting approximately two months and a week.
After Summer break, there are no public holidays until the Independence Day on December 6th. During the Autumn term, there can be an Autumn break, the length of which may vary from town to town and from school to school. Some towns and schools have a whole week’s break while in some towns and schools the Autumn break is only a couple of days long.
This applies to the comprehensive schools and the upper secondary schools. The breaks in universities are longer, but the five day working week applies to the universities as well.
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