1. My parents do not allow me to go, so I have to stay at home
2. The computer broke down and I had to stop my work
-> IF................
3. She loves him so she forgives him easily
-> If......................
4. They didn't understand you because you didn't often talk to them
-> If.............. .........
5. I couldn't look the word up because I didn't have a dictionary.
-> If.................
6. Sandra can't take a photo because she hasn't got her camera
-> If..............
7. I have to work tomorrow evening, so I won't meet you
-> If. ..............
8. It was raining, so we couldn't have lunch in the garden.
9. Susan hasn't got a watch, so she's often late for work.
-> if............
10. He coughs a lot of because he smokes forty cigarettes a day
-> If...............
11. I don't have a boat. I won't sail around the world
-> If...........
12. They didn't have a garden. They didn't grow vegetables.
-> if................
13. I didn't know his address, and I didn't give it to you.
-> if....................
14. The doctor couldn't see many patients because he was so late
-> If......
a, ABCD là hình thang (gt) => AB // CD (đn)
=> OA/OC = OB/OD (talet) (1)
có AF // BC (gt) => FO/OB = AO/OC (talet) ; có BE // AD (gt) => OE/OA = OB/OD (talet) và (1)
=> FO/OB = OE/OA ; xét tg AOB
=> FE // AB (talet đảo)
b, có DA // BE (Gt) ; ^DAO slt ^OEB ; ^ADO slt ^OBE
=> ^DAO = ^OEB và ^ADO = ^OBE (đl)
xét tg ADO và tg EBO
=> tg ADO đồng dạng với tg EBO (g-g)
=> AO/OE = DO/OB (2)
+ AB // FE (câu a) => AO/OE = AB/EF (talet) ; có AB // DC (Câu a) => DO/OB = CD/AB (talet) và (2)
=> AB/EF = CD/AB
=> AB^2 = EF.CD
c, kẻ AH _|_ BD ; CK _|_ BD
có S1 = OB.AH/2 ; S2 = OD.CK/2 => S1.S2 = OB.AH.OD.CK/4
CÓ S3 = AH.DO/2 ; S4 = CK.OB/2 => C3.C4 = OB.AH.OD.CK/4
=> S1.S2 = S3.S4