Oh my friend, how are you? You know, I've been watching a very interesting program on VTV lately. This program has been around for a long time and it is the "Who wants to be a millionare?" program. Its original originated in England but due to its strong spread, it has been adapted into many different versions in many different countries. In Vietnam people call it "Ai la trieu phu". It in shown on VTV3 channel every week. Anyone can play this game if they sign up. Program rules and game play are also very simple. The host will ask you fifteen questions. If you answer correctly you will receive the amount corresponding to that question. If you answer incorrectly, you will be disqualified. Of course, nothing will be easy. Because so far, no one has been able to win fifteen questions. If you win the last sentence, you will receive a huge amount of 250 million VND. In addition, in the question-answering section, you also have a number of help rights: calling to ask relatives, 50/50 help, asking companions and wise men. Today the shown is popular in more than 100 countries and is one of the most popular in the world.