School is an educational environment for human personality, a place where everyone spends a long time together, a place where we have friends to learn from, and teachers to guide our personality. But it is sad if that environment becomes increasingly corrupted by the problem of school violence. Not only that, this problem in recent times is a concern of school parents in particular and of society in general.

The issue of school violence in recent times is really becoming a great concern and concern of the whole society. Usually when we talk about the two words "violence", we only think of male students fighting, who easily use muscle strength on others. But in reality today, instead of violent acts. This force occurs not only in boys but also in many girls, and even more common. In the past two years, the issue of female students often pulling their hair and fighting was recorded and posted on social networks.Parents, students, and teachers can't help but be shocked as well as frustrated and angry at the clips of the whole council rushing in and hitting a female friend, even cutting her hair, undressing, and uploading clips on social networks. But those videos are only a very small corner of the current situation of school violence, in addition to society, countless cases of violence may not have been made public. The objects in the fighting clips are junior high school students or high school students, the age at which they have physiological changes, impulsive thoughts and like to express themselves.Today, school violence does not only occur in simple forms such as shouting at each other, fighting in class anymore, but more worryingly, it is a serious fight that can be life-threatening. There are cases where dozens of female students gathered to pull their hair, beat a friend with their shoes, even filmed a video clip on social networks, and even slashed their faces with a knife. Those who suffer from that school violence certainly not only suffer physical pain but also mental trauma.

There are many causes of recent school violence. In which, social causes: the individual's frustration when not getting what the individual wants and the things that the individual expects but does not achieve; jealousy envying what others have; degrading gestures and comments. Especially for secondary school students with strong rapid changes in physical and psychological but not balanced, so in psychology, there are unstable, sometimes impulsive, and uncontrollable behaviors. Dear.

The second is the impact of culture: mass media (violent movies, fighting clips, violent images ...), action games. This is one of the causes that have a relatively profound influence on the violent behavior of junior high school students.Due to the contagious behavior of students, middle and high school students disseminate your important information, and the peer system governs a lot for personality development at this age. Therefore, when children play with a group of friends who have violent behavior, they also have violent behavior and sometimes children with such violent behavior are considered by children as good behavior to protect friends. Saying that means double when children are not aware or have cognitive deviations, deviations in the mechanism of action, leading to action deviations in school.

Violence learns before the end of serious qualitative harm to those who suffer. Next to it is a mental picture frame. When school is not a place to educate people's personalities but a place where there are only scary beatings, everyone must be afraid of school. When school is no longer a place filled with memories of friends but a place of hatred, there are profound commercial costs to learners.

So, with just a little effort and your opinion, the common problems of this society are somewhat minimized. Above all, the family will be the first place to love and educate the students. If you live in a good educational environment, your thoughts and actions will be more harmonious and emotional. Besides, the role of the school and the teacher is also extremely important.

Schools need to educate children about ethics and how to behave among people. She needs to protect and show you what she did wrong. Particularly for students, it is necessary to say no to violent schools. Do not participate in fights or organize fights, but focus on learning and having healthy fun.Nạn bạo lực học đường đang là vấn nạn lớn của cả xã hội và ngày càng phức tạp. Nói như vậy không phải là không thể ngăn chặn được nạn bạo lực này. Mỗi người trong chúng ta cần phải hành động và làm những gì để góp phần hạn chế và tiến đến xóa bỏ nạn bạo lực học đường. Gia đình, nhà trường cần giáo dục tốt và tạo môi trường học tập thân thiện, lành mạnh để các bạn học sinh học tập. Hãy nói và chia sẻ với nhau nhiều hơn thay vì dùng hành động. Hãy yêu thương lẫn nhau và đừng làm tổn thương nhau. Và hãy để nạn bạo lực học đường chỉ còn là quá khứ!