1. Answer: D. We have two words: fold & draw                   11. Answer: W. We have two words: knew & walk

2. Answer: A. We have two words: date & eble                    12. Answer: Y. We have two words: many & year

3. Answer: T. We have two words: beat & test                      13. Answer: S. We have two words: news & stay

4. Answer: L. We have two words: bell & life                         14. Answer: T. We have two words: rent & tour

5. Answer: E. We have two words: name & ease                  15. Answer: B. We have two words: club & bird

6. Answer: P. We have two words: camp & park                  16. Answer: Y. We have two words: away & year

7. Answer: T. We have two words: ment & tnit                      17. Answer: H.We have two words: bath & head

8. Answer: M. We have two words: team & many                  18. Answer: T. We have two words: lost & tort

9. Answer: P. We have two words: help & play                       19. Answer: F. We have two words: half & film

10. Answer: D. We have two words: said & desk                    20. Answer: G. We have two words: long & girl