Many people believe that following fashion style is difficult, and they also think that the main purpose of the trend is to sell more clothing apparel. A group of people believe that people should choose their own clothing based on their preference rather than following the update fashion style. To a certain point, I would agree that we should select the clothes that we like and feel comfort in wearing them, but following the fashion style bring many additional points.

On the one hand, it is true that people should wear clothes which are in accordance with their own interest. It is obvious that everyone has his own personal taste in fashion, as some people like loose clothing since they are more comfortable to wear. But there are others who prefer to wear tight clothing because the clothes make them feel young and energetic. Besides that, fashion trends are dynamic and change rapidly in just a few months or periods. Some people think it is consumptive to follow the latest style since people must buy clothes more often.

On the other hand, it is undeniable that following the up to date fashion style has some advantages for the individuals. Firstly, by wearing the latest style, some people feel more confident in their business. For example, a sales manager might meet many potential clients, and he must have a great confidence in convincing his customer and one of the ways would be to wear a stylish dress. Secondly, it is a fact that certain people are measuring someone based on his physical and clothing appearance. For instance, should there be two potential candidates in a job interview; both have nice personalities, good technical skill and a wide range of knowledge, but one of the candidates wears old fashioned clothes, while the other follow the modest fashion style. The later candidates might have a higher probability of being selected since many people are appraising someone based on their physical appearance and performance.

Although I am convinced that clothing companies are interested in their bank account and use fashion as a way to attract potential buyers, for some it may be a rescue. Some people just don't have a notion for what fits together. They need a professional eye to advice them what to buy and what to wear. Maybe also in some circles society imposes on them what to wear.

The numbers of fashion models have grown dramatically in the last decade. All the movie stars are having their own dressing styles and following their fashion trend is getting very difficult to follow. Moreover, following these trends creates a false identity about the person as he is trying to mock the dressing style of somebody else. Even Though few dressing styles enhance the physical appearance of the individuals, it masks the individual characteristics and creates a false identity of the person.

Secondly, the amount of strain these fashion trends places on the individuals are enormous. A good friend of mine who works at a call centre spends seventy percent of his monthly salary on the wardrobe shopping and following fashion trends. He subscribed to all the leading magazines. The house where he lives has several posters of movie stars like Will Smith and Angelina Julie. Another friend of mine realised after the end of his adolescent life that following fashion trends is such a waste of time and money and he is left with no savings.

In conclusion, following the latest fashion style is difficult and it is just a commercial act of the producers themselves.  Although it is true that people should wear clothes based on their own preference but I do believe that we should also follow the latest fashion style since it also affects our own performance.