Dear Tuan Lam
Thank for your letter. How are you? It's great to know you are happily and heathily. And greater that you live in the same apartment and tower. Since there is Covid-19. I need to stay home and miss you a lot.
As you know, I sometimes join some activities. But in the November last year, after a period of applyed the balanced eating methods, I have able to take part at a marathon champion organized by BIDV. I was very happy to share you methods I apply the healthy body, a good sprit. Here is some advice:
Thing you should do
You should eat more vegetables, fruit and a balance diet. Make sure you have enough vitamins and protein. You also drink more water(2 litres), juice and milk. Milk contains canxi help your bones and teeth stronger. You can try some healthy and sugary drink like herbal tea, detox juice(Maybe it will be unhealthy if you drink too much), ... Do more regular excersice because it make you fit. You can go to the park and play football, basketball, badminton, ... with your friends. Sleep well at night(at least 8 hours and most for 10 hours)[not able at noon]. Open your window often that is avoid of cold and flu.
Thing you shouldn't do
You shouldn't eat to much sweet, chocolate, crisps and some fast food because it contains lot of fat, sugar or salt. But you can eat a few of them. And you shouldn't drink some fizzy drinks. One can of cola contains about three tablespoons of sugar! Eating lots of sugar will make teeth hurt and make you getting fatter. Watch TV or playing computer games or doing homework(good for studying) won't make you fit. You can do these indoor activity less than outdoor activity. Stay awake at night not let you tall. Use less air conditioner. If you use more, you will catch a cold.
Take care for your mental health
Some people focus on physical health without pay attention for mental health. Your mental health can be affect on your daily activities. So do more simple excersice like meditation or breathing excersice or keep calm to boost up your mental health and avoid stress.
Avoid Covid-19
If you go outside during the Covid-19, you should follow the 5K. 5K means: masks, clean or wash, distance, don't go to the crowd and medical declaration.
I glad you understand the rules. If you free, you can write a reply to me.
Best penfriend
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