Hello,my dear sophisticated friend.
It's me, your 10 years younger self!
As always, I don't know how to begin a letter (I hope you know how). It always has been a hard thing for me, I can't really tell what I'm going to talk about, and even if I try to talk about something, I know you've already thought about it for years and years. After all, I'm you.
So, how have you been? I can only imagine 2 possibilities, you're either at the top of the hill or at the bottom of it. But I know you, you will never let yourself sit at the bottom, you'll never give yourself up and never let yourself down, so it's a high chance that you're happy. If that's the case, then good job, dude! Even if you did nothing to your dreams which is to change the world into a better place, I'm glad that you're happy, people only live once and you've to make the most out of it, even if achieving your dreams is impossible. I would love to know how are you living your life right now, but let's just let the flow of time do it's job, when the time comes, I will know.
Of course, we can't ignore the possibility of you sitting somewhere alone and depressed. If that is the case, I do think I need to cheer my 27 years old self up. I believe that to get yourself to this point, your happiness must be drained to the point that completely dim the optimistic light inside you. To be honest, I don't think I can figure out a way to get you out of this situation if this is the problem. But all I can say is, please find my 17 years old self inside you. For me myself, this is the time where I'm happy the most. Even with all these pressure on me, plus more responsibility when I become an adult at the age of 18, I'm happy, happy to face, to challenge something new. At this age I realized, there is no point running away, hiding or ignore something... I just have to embrace it as much as I could, overcome it, live for another day. There are times when I felt as if things are hopeless, nothing will change, my only fate is sitting here forever, can't do a single thing. But, it's ok to have a day like that, after all, everything will pass on, you live to see another day and make the most out of it, and eventually a bad day will come, you can't do anything you want, can't get anything you want on that day, but it's fine, nothing in this world is fair, so you adapt to the situation and turn the tide, it's the old you that you love to be, I know you can do it.
Me myself right now just want to do everything alone, learn things alone. So please, find someone that you can trust wholeheartedly if you're still the same. However, if you're happy with yourself, then be happy. But learn how to accept help from other people ok?
I think that's everything I want to say. It's not like I want you to write back anyway, would be funny if that happens isn't it? This letter reached you or not, I don't know. But I know you won't let your voice of conscience be silent. Be happy and mindful, my friend.
Your friend, voice of conscience, 10 years younger self, or whatever
(Btw can you check my grammar? You are from 10 years later, you must be great at English, not like me at B1+ level. Just asking for a favor from my older self. You won't turn down a proposal from yourself, right? Only time will tell.)
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