Half fills the world
A night out Last year, I was planning to film a movie with my friends about extreme. It was quite cold in the morning, so I was wearing my favorite baggy and gray hoody. I had to get up quite early to get to the park I had taken a bus. While I was waiting for my stop, a looking girl, who was sitting next to me, looked on me and started to speak. She said: ’’Hi, what are you doing on Friday?’’ At first I was socked but soon I answered her: ‘’Well, nothing special, I’ll go to the Essential night club.’’ But suddenly, she slapped my face and said:’’ Leave me alone pervert, I’m speaking on a phone!’’ And I saw she was holding a mobile phone in her hand. It went much worse than I could imagine. I met my friends at the bus station and we decided to by some beers, so we were little drunk. At the beginning we were having a good time. However, while I was making an unsuccessful jump with my bike, my got stuck in chain and I fell off form it with face into asphalt. It was very embarrassing and painful experience to me. My friends were laughing. I had broken my hand and my face was bleeding. Lucky one of them called for an ambulance. After some weeks I was fixed, but now I looked like cripple. Now I still think about that failure quite often. It’s a terrible shame.