Dear me, I am writing this letter to remind you of the most important things. Essential plans: to fold the best in the world paper airplane, jump in the paddles, run up the down escalator, kiss a prince…” (1) This is a part of a letter that a seven-year-old Margarette sent to her future self. Now she’s a successful businesswoman in her early forties. She is not happily jumping in puddles of water, because there is not a minute in her schedule that is not planned.

Think about how powerful it might have been when she read this letter back to her future self. It could be a reminder of who she was versus who she wanted to be. It would be a little kick in the butt to make sure that she was heading in that direction and in order to limit life’s biggest regrets.

Is there anything you want to always remember? Why would you write a letter to your future self? Does it seem silly and childish? Actually, this exercise can bring much value to your life—I know it did for myself. And that’s why writing a letter to your future self is a great bucket list idea.