Câu 1:

1. Seasonal clothing

2. Water

3. emergency case

4. Sleeping bag




Câu 2:

 Instead of panicking, I will start the following survival steps in order of priority. Firstly, It’s not a secret that water is the key to survival. I can survive for around three weeks without food but without adequate drinking water, especially in a tropical climate, I have about three days until I die a miserable death. Finding a source of water must be the first thing I must do. By venturing into the inner sections of the island, I have a much better chance of securing a source of fresh drinking water, such as waterfalls and streams, further inland. After securing water, my next stage of survival should be to secure an adequate shelter to protect myself from the elements. It is a good idea to build a fire to keep warm. All I will need is some natural material and a fire-starting technique. There are many techniques that I can use to actually start the fire. As an example, take a look at these steps to get an idea of how I can start a fire without tools. When on a desert island, my most likely source of food will be fish. If I don’t like seafood, it’s time to suck it up and go caveman style. In such a scenario, fish are best caught through spearfishing. A spear can be made from a long branch I find on the island, sharpen the end and make sure it is long enough and weighted enough to throw, use twine or shoelaces to attach stones to the spear to weigh it down. Alongside utilizing fire to create an active sign of life to anyone who would be passing the island, I should also create a passive sign of life such as an SOS message that can be seen from the air and from the sea. I will use a slope of sand on the beach to create visibility from the horizon and from the air, create an SOS message using large rocks and bolster them with tree branches and make it as big and visible as possible.