April, 23rd 2022

Dear Scott,

Everythings fine with me. How are you? I hope you're fine there, too. Don't worry, I've received your letter just a few days ago. Thanks for sending me the letter. I'm writing this letter to share my views about my best programmes and anwser your previous letter. Hey, next time please text me online, it's much faster and modern.

 I've watched many programmes lately, such as cartoons, quiz shows, soap operas, documentaries and I found them brilliant and interesting, especially sports shows and dolphin shows, like you. They're such clever and talented animals, enough to be brought to the show. I watched sports, animals programmes and latest American news recently, because they're broadcast every day.

But sports shows are still the best. It's true that sports shows have many kinds of awards, like the Olympic games award, the Asian Cup, the World Cup, the Euro Cup, the FC Barcelona, etc. Each of them are held 4 years once, and some of them were celebrated late because of the outbreak of COVID - 19 disease. There are also individual sports shows ( maybe in individual sports a person might get an extreme one, such as climbing mountains, cycling from slopes or jumping from at least a hundred meters ). I don't enjoy individual sports because they are dangerous and I'm unable to do it. So I prefer team sports. 

My favorite teams sports are Barcelona, Real Madrid, Los Angeles Lams, New York Giants and Washington Commanders, while the best footballers that I prefer were Owen, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Pele, Lionel Messi, Quang Hai and Maradona. What's yours? 

Sports shows are attractive for the players' skills. Lots of times I have recorded the best actions of scoring balls from famous footballers. Then, I began to practise and train myself, in order to gain abilities and provide a body workout, helps me to reduce stress.

The second programme I prefer is news. Of course, we watch news to gain information about the weather, the recorded actions, etc. But I have my own favour, and it is global news. Global news are quite long but interesting. One of the favorite news I have ever watched is the war between Ukraine and Russia, two neighbouring countries in the world. In that programme, they recorded from Ukrainian interviewers, with lots of tears. And I found how happy I am for living in a peaceful country (Vietnam) Unfortunately, I couldn't watch the rest because I was impatient. 

Recently, I've watched a quiz show called "who's the millionare", which help us to solve logic questions and quiz, gain more information and knowledge in our mind and help us to think faster. The clever our intelligence are, the creative our imagination are.

I watch programmes very often, every weekend I am able to turn on the television and enjoy the programme. How about you?

Convey my regards to your family siblings. I'm looking forward to seeing your reply.


                                                                      Duong Hoai Giang