- sea sea sea → Seven Seas
- The word "sea" appears multiple times, suggesting multiple seas. The phrase "Seven Seas" refers to all the world's oceans, a common term in pirate lore.
- man board → Man Overboard
- When combined, the words form "Man Overboard", a nautical term used to indicate that someone has fallen off the ship.
- mate (repeated multiple times) → Shipmates
- The word "mate" means companion or friend. When repeated, it hints at "Shipmates", meaning fellow sailors or crew members on a ship.
- John Silver - John Silver → Long John Silver
- The subtraction suggests "Long" John Silver. Long John Silver is a famous pirate character from the novel Treasure Island.
- Figure 8 → Pieces of Eight
- "Pieces of Eight" were Spanish silver coins widely used during the golden age of piracy. The number eight visually represents the term.
- jack → Jack Sparrow
- The word "jack" hints at Jack Sparrow, the famous pirate character from Pirates of the Caribbean.
- lass with a small 'i' next to it → Pirate Lass
- "Lass" means a young woman, and the small "i" resembles part of the word "pirate," forming "Pirate Lass", meaning a female pirate.
- bones (with the letter 'b' stacked vertically) → Davy Jones' Locker
- The vertical arrangement of "bones" suggests something deep down. Davy Jones' Locker is a mythical place at the bottom of the sea where drowned sailors are said to go.
- thewalkplank → Walk the Plank
- The words are combined in a way that suggests "Walk the Plank", a pirate punishment where captives were forced to walk off a wooden plank into the sea.
- hands (repeated multiple times) + DECK → All Hands on Deck
- The repetition of "hands" and the word "deck" hints at "All Hands on Deck", a command used to call all sailors to the ship's deck.
- BEARD → Blackbeard
- The word "BEARD" directly represents "Blackbeard", the infamous real-life pirate known for his fearsome appearance.
- cat' o' tails tails tails... → Cat o' Nine Tails
- The repetition of "tails" suggests multiple whip strands. "Cat o' Nine Tails" was a multi-tailed whip used for punishment on ships.