School is a place to train personality and morality for students, a place to nurture the soul to help us become human. However, a very painful, painful thing is happening, causing the whole society to worry about the moral degradation and corruption in schools today, which is school violence. It is understood as misconduct, using violence to solve problems of students, possibly even teachers for students. It is expressed with many different states in schools such as: jealous friends, jealous of each other also pull each other out to fight, conflicts, small friction has also fought, curse each other badly. Or when students are unruly, disobeying words, teachers use the form of whips and harsh words to punish. The obvious reason is that they themselves think about their egos being too big and always want to express themselves. Add to that the lack of education from the family, neglectful, irresponsible, or overly indulgent parents. Next is from the school, the discipline is too loose, there is no strict punishment that makes students look down on. In a short time, there have been many cases of school violence, most recently a 9th grade female student at Phu Ung Secondary School was stripped and beaten by a friend. As a student, I feel this is an over-the-top act. This is perhaps one of the most challenging issues facing society today. First of all, we need to understand what is school violence? It is the phenomenon of students using violent behavior to resolve conflicts. Manifestations are fights between individuals and individual students or between groups of students. The harm it brings is extremely serious and unpredictable. For students who are beaten, there will be physical harm, injury, disability, or even loss of life; mental sequelae. The victim's family will always worry, spend time and money, sometimes the worst thing that no one wants: they lose their child. On the part of the perpetrators of violence, the consequences are equally heartbreaking. Being expelled from school, even being imprisoned for being shunned by friends. There are many causes of school violence, but the biggest cause is the lack of education from the family, the rebelliousness of adolescence and from violent movies and games.... Out. In short, school violence is a bad phenomenon that has many harmful effects on social life. So how to eliminate school violence? This job does not belong to one person, each individual in society needs to pay attention to the education of their children. First, it is necessary to establish discipline in the school, then it is necessary to pay attention to the children from the family and the people around them. I think if school violence is not prevented, what will happen to the next generation?