First of all, a city provides better education and career prospects .The renowned and excellent schools are built in the cities because most of the population live in cities. These schools employ the qualified teachers to provide education to the children. A child who gets the education in a city is considered the better one because of his broad range of experience and deep knowledge. The government and private businessman build universities and colleges in the city to improve the learning and skills in students. Various laboratories use the advanced appliances instruments that aid the students in higher education especially in research and this facility is mostly available in a city area. I have learned to operate IR spectrophotometers from Punjab University which is situated in Chandigarh City and cities are mostly the hub of education.
Moreover, a city provides better prospects of life. The shops, malls are built in a city to attract customers from large area. The important home appliances like fan, refrigerator, car etc. are available in cities at a reasonable cost. Government offices are built in cities. Living in cities can help avoiding the dwellers to travel from village to city to do important official works. A city also provides sources of entertainment. Many festivals, carnivals are organised in the cities. Even peoples from the rural area come to a city to watch their favourite movies in Cinema Hall and Theatres. Sports stadium, training centres are located in cities. City life offers too many facilities that are absent in rural lives.
The most important thing is that the city provides better medical services. Best hospitals, medical centres are built in big towns so that majority of people can have medical facilities. In these centres, expert doctors, specialist like neurosurgeons, heart surgeon works to treat peoples. These medical centres not only use advanced machines & instruments but also offer operation theatres for different types of operations for critical diseases. Cities are safe on health ground and have well-planned sanitation to avoid spreading epidemic. Cities have lifesaving medical centres.