Nowadays, the electronic items are developing and expand around of local market and foreign market . Inside this, electronic items as laptop, telephone or cell phones more popular in the Vietnam central, because it attract more younger people and elder people, oldest people use it, Follow survey, Over 90% of people using laptop for watching movies, news such as BBC channel, Rachel and Jun channel...Recently, I like watching about chemistry of Thoi Son 2 channel by Laptop because when I watched it , I could expanding and improving about chemistry abilities and how to modulation it. In addition, I watched it because I extremely like chemistry and I want to become good scientist. Of course. Besides watching Thoi Son 2 channel that I also watching some channels in my freetime and total over 20 cannels or program such as Veritasium, jomaier.... Channels. I watch it for relaxing and let go of stress after do hard work or hard study. Moreover, I also watch it for expanding and knowledge about galaxy and interest things all of the world.