My day started badly, but it got better and better.
My day started badly because a lot of bad luck for me. On a Monday morning at the beginning of the week , i have bad sleep in my bedroom so i very tired . I get up early , i go to bathroom and i brush my teeth, wash my face and i go to my bedroom again . I stand in front of the wardrobe , find my uniform but I can't find so I spend a lot of time looking for my uniform . I finally found my uniform , i wear my uniform and go to the kitchen .
Oh my God ! My breakfast has a lot of vegetables , i can't eat it because i don't like vegetables . The vegetable that makes me nauseous just looking at it is an onion . I can see a lot of onions in my breakfast .
I go to school by xmen tram. The tram is red and black , i like it . I have bad luck again, it's that my tram is about to run out of power . I'm worried that I won't have enough electricity to go home .
Other bad things happened, I forgot to put on my shoes for gym and other classes, I forgot to bring my book or notebook.
Finally, i go to my home and I asked a friend to push me home.
The next day begins ,everything's fine .
My uniform is easy to find , very good breakfast, tram no problem and I don't forget school supplies .
The next days are even better .
In a certain moment, bad luck falls on all of us, but just luck, even if it is not much, will give us more motivation.
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